Self-Help Tips for Managing IBS Symptoms

With symptoms such as changes to your bowel movements and abdominal discomfort, IBS can make life uncomfortable. Whether you're new to the condition or you've had it for a while, you probably already know that successful IBS treatment requires a little experimentation. Here are some self-help tips you can try.

Avoid Processed Foods

Although processed foods aren't always the biggest dietary culprit, they can trigger IBS symptoms. This seems to be especially true for foods that are high in ingredients such as corn syrup. If you do eat a lot of processed foods, see if making healthy switches reduces your symptoms. For example, try switching sweet treats for fruits such as strawberries. Or, if you love to enjoy fries, try creating your own low-fat, homecooked version so you can get the best of both worlds.

Add Exercise to Your Routine

A lot of your gut motility relies on the movements you make throughout the day. If you're relatively sedentary or if you don't exercise, you may be denying your gut some of the assistance it requires to process foods easily. If you're new to exercise, try adding something simple to your routine, such as a daily walk. As your tolerance for exercise grows, you can start experimenting with programs that you find fun. You may find that yoga is useful too, as it can reduce your stress levels.

Lower Your Stress Levels

Stress is a key trigger for IBS. When you're experiencing a lot of stress at home or at work, you might find that your symptoms flare. Take some time to identify stressful scenarios in your life and then reflect on whether you can avoid or alter them. Look at some of the lifestyle factors that may be increasing your stress too, such as not getting enough sleep or exercise. If some of your stresses are unavoidable, try techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation to reduce them.

Try the FODMAP Diet

The FODMAP diet involves identifying, excluding and then reintroducing foods that may trigger your IBS. You may need some guidance from a healthcare professional before you start it. You'll also need to pay close attention to what you're eating and excluding and the way those changes affect your body. If you're struggling with the FODMAP diet, you may find that attending an IBS clinic is useful. That way, you can receive guidance while you explore the options available to you.

Contact a clinic that offers IBS treatment to learn more. 
