How Physiotherapy Can Help You Live With Arthritis

Arthritis affects over 3 million Australians. However, arthritis isn't only a condition seniors will develop; it's also a frequent long-term consequence of joint injuries. Unfortunately, there's yet to be a chemical treatment, cure or medicinal prevention of arthritis. Most often, patients will be given anti-inflammatory medication to manage the discomforts resulting from arthritis and make sure the inflammation doesn't lead to bone infections. They may also be provided with braces and be encouraged to minimise their movements. Read More 

How Physiotherapists Can Help Older Australians Stay Active

Many Australians wrongly believe that a general physiotherapist is only helpful for those managing past sporting injuries. While it is undoubtedly true that they do do that, physios also play an essential role in the ongoing welfare and lifestyle of older Australians. Even if you never had a significant injury in your life, old age is the great equaliser when it comes to restricting your physical capabilities. However, a few trips to your local general physiotherapy clinic can help you retain many of the basic functions you might take for granted well into the future. Read More 

What to Consider Before Genetic Screening

Your family's medical history can sometimes have a strong influence on the way your health progresses. At some stage in your life, you may choose to undergo genetic screening so that you can make decisions about your health. Before you make an appointment, there are a few things you need to consider. Your Reasons for Screening Everyone has a different reason for pursuing genetic screening, as it's a highly personal process. Read More 

When to Replace Your Hearing Aids

Hearing aids take a while to get accustomed to, and over time, they become part of you. Understandably, you might be oblivious that you need a new set of hearing aids. Here are signs that you need to replace your hearing aids: It has become expensive to maintain the hearing aids Analog hearing aids tend to use batteries at a faster rate compared to new hearing aids. In some cases, you will find that you're replacing the batteries almost every day. Read More 

Two Reasons To Visit A Doctor For Your General Feminine Health

Not many people like paying a visit to the hospital. In fact, for some individuals, if they could avoid seeing a medical practitioner altogether, they would. But this is not ideal if you want to ensure your overall wellness. So while you could be thinking that the only reason why you would need to go to a health care clinic is when you are in pain, have a cold or even a stomachache, the reality is that you should also see a doctor when you feel alright just to make sure everything is fine. Read More